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New Linux Kernel Zero day Exploit Vulnerability CVE-2016-0728

New Linux Kernel Zero day Exploit Vulnerability CVE-2016-0728 The PPR research team recently found a 0-day local privillege escalation vulnerabili....

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How to install Apache Thrift on Ubuntu 14.04

1. Introduction Apache Thrift is just a software framework written in C++. It was initially developed in 2007 by Facebook but now it is an Open So....

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How to install and configure Bind DNS Cluster in Linux

Index Introduction Requirements Setup Master DNS Server Setup slave DNS server Finishing point 1. Introduction Short for Domain Name System (or Se....

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How to Install PostgreSQL on Debian 8

Index Introduction Advantages Requirements Installation Accessing the database Creating New Roles and database Connecting to PostgreSQL Conclusion....

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How to install zend optimizer in Centos 7

Introduction Zend Optimizer is a free application that allows PHP to run files encoded by Zend Guard. Zend Optimizer greatly enhances the performa....

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How To Install Ruby on Rails with rbenv on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7

Index Introduction Prerequisites Installation Installation of Rbenv Installation of Ruby Installation of Rails Apache Configuration Creating a Tes....

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How to install Ioncube Loader on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 or Debian 8

1. Introduction Ioncube loader is a PHP module or extension which makes PHP files or websites more secure. It also helps in speeding up webpages. ....

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