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Cpanel / WHM Root Password Exposure Vulnerability

The cPanel/WHM control panel has a significant security flaw where it stores root passwords in plain text when you log in to WHM. This vulnerabili....

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Rancher desktop – How to install rancher desktop on Ubuntu 22.04

What is rancher desktop ? Rancher desktop is an opensource container management application. Rancher Desktop runs Kubernetes and container managem....

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How to Fix Openssl BUG for Cpnginx

We have an update for Cpnginx with a new version 11.7 which have a fix for the openssl bug ? What is Openssl Bug? Recently Redhat upgraded openssl....

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25 Tips to Secure Your Linux Server ( Secure your DevOps Server)

Securing your Linux server is important to protect your data, intellectual property, and time, from the hands of hackers. This is the article whic....

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curl error 60 peers certificate issuer is not recognized

This is a curl issue related with cacert.pem to fix this issue please download the latest cacert.pem from the website https://curl.haxx.se/docs/ca....

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How to install Apache and PHP in cpanel server via easyapache, The pe...

Cpanel easyapache is a simple and easy software, that bundled with the industry leader hosting control panel software, Cpanel. It have an easy int....

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How to track the exim email spam in cpanel server

How to track the exim email spam in cpanel server The cpanel server use exim as the email server. There is a never ending war going on with spam o....

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