The eaccelerator installation in directadmin is easy . This procedure is same in all php linux distribution. You may need to do the following procedure. This is based on redhat / centos distributions
1) Download the latest eaccelerator source files from and extract it after that run the following commands
# yum -y install autoconf # phpize # ./configure # make # make install
2) Find the php.ini using the command ” php –ini” and edit it . The update the “extension_dir ” current extension directory . This path contains all the php third party installations.
------- # php --ini | grep Configuration Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi Loaded Configuration File: /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini # grep extension_dir /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini extension_dir = "/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626" ----------
Please note the extension_dir path will be different in your server.
3) Now add the following lines at the end of php.ini
------------- extension="" eaccelerator.shm_size="16" eaccelerator.cache_dir="/var/cache/eaccelerator" eaccelerator.enable="1" eaccelerator.optimizer="1" eaccelerator.check_mtime="1" eaccelerator.debug="0" eaccelerator.filter="" eaccelerator.shm_max="0" eaccelerator.shm_ttl="0" eaccelerator.shm_prune_period="0" eaccelerator.shm_only="0" eaccelerator.compress="1" eaccelerator.compress_level="9" ---------
4) Now create the cache folder /var/cache/eaccelerator
-------- # mkdir /var/cache/eaccelerator # chmod 777 /var/cache/eaccelerator ------
5) Restart apache and test it