Cpremote 13.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Cpremote version 13.0. This version is compatible with cpanel 11.122 or higher. This series is the final series before the release of the enterprise version of the upcoming improved Cpremote.

We eliminated the annoying cpanel analytics UI bug caused by the WHM header function. We no longer embed cpremote inside WHM headers. unfortunately, we don’t have any control of generating the header, which was automatically includes the cpanel analytic report popups. Even if you disable the popups in whm it had no affect on this issue. We waited a long time to get a solution from the Cpanel and it looks like they don’t care. We are not going to add some js scripts to hide or disable their unwanted popups, but we just get rid of the entire whm header, which Cpremote no longer required.

Cpremote V13.0 has the following Change Logs

  1. Get rid of WHM headers
  2. Fixed Analytic popups
  3. Fixed Cpanel API Bugs
  4. Fixed Cpanel interface UI
  5. Cpremote contacts will be updated from the Cpanel contacts
  6. Fixed code compatibility with PHP83
  7. The minimum Cpanel version requirement is